Monday, July 18, 2011

First A.I. now D-Will?

This may be the most foolishly American thing I’ve ever said (written) but I am not the slightest bit excited about possibly seeing an American All-Star dunking on Eurasians while wearing one of those ugly ass jerseys covered in team sponsorships.  David Stern, a man who I’ve always given a personal G-pass (even after the mandatory dress code) and the NBAPA have got to sign a new CBA, A.S.A.P. (damn). Understand, the main difference between the NBA and NFL lockouts is that there are foreigners with fat bank-rolls ready to pay these boys heavy guap  just to play for their squads for one year. NFL players don’t have the same luxury, I don’t see Drew Brees heading to Serbia to suit up in a Kragujevac Wild Boars jersey any time soon. Deron Williams’ deal in Turkey is good for his pockets but not good for the leagues legitimacy. More players will soon jump ship, or get on a ship, to play for more money at a lower skill-level, ruining the integrity of our brand of hoops. Young guns Brandon Jennings and Ricky Rubio have already given the NBA an unapologetic middle finger with their pre-NBA overseas ventures. What once was thought to be the NBA graveyard (A.I.) is soon to become the new hotness for players holding out for larger NBA contracts, skipping their mandatory year of college or waiting for the end of an unfortunate player lockout.

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