Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Drinks Up! Coco-jito

     The other weekend I went out of town for a mini-vacation with a few of my old  boys. It just so happened that one of them took up mixology as a hobby. As a bartender, I was a little skeptical, I'll admit it - but can you blame me?
 I didn't want him swagging me out making drinks that I'd never heard of - which is exactly what happened. But I must say, the shit he had in his arsenal was more than aight - it was nice (Fabolous voice).

     The most anticipated and impressive of all the drinks he served was none other than the Cocojito. This delicious drink is perfect for desert or to get the night started. I wouldn't down five of them throughout a meal, but I'd be damned if I didn't attempt to have four!

  • 1 Part Chocolate Infused Vodka
  • Muttled Mint leaves and  2 Lime Wedges
  • Tea/Tablespoon of Sugar
  • Splash of Soda Water
  • Garnish with chocolate shavings

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