Monday, August 1, 2011

Go See It: Crazy, Stupid, Love

My girl and I went to see this Crazy, Stupid, Love this past weekend and I must say, it didn’t disappoint. From the various commercials and trailers I’d seen, I was excited for this movie and was sure it would deliver the perfect mix of comedy and sappy love-drama. It did. It also provided male viewers a guide for business-fresh-swag courtesy of a swagged-out Ryan Gosling, who I would never let my girl speak to given she had the chance. For real though, my man’s suits and belt-shoe combinations were fresh enough to make Soulja Boy tuck his chain in. Listen to me: if you are 24+ and you need to step up your wardrobe game, go see this movie.
Cougars Marisa Tomei and Julianne Moore prove that women can age like wine and give the young hotties a run for their money. I’ve always liked Marisa Tomei, ever since A Different World. (Jungle Fever? Maybe! But effit, she was the only white girl on campus; it goes both ways!!!) Emma Stone’s slight lisp gets on my nerves, but she still brings some sexiness.
Don’t be too tough homie, take your girl, or your roommate to  see this flick.

1 comment:

  1. I feel better that I'm not the only one bothered by Emma Stone's lisp.
